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Many guys are self conscious of their enlarged breasts and avoid social gatherings where they have to go shirtless i.e : swimming pool. They often walk with their back hunched forward to make their enlarged chests less obvious.

Gynecomastia is an increase in the amount of breast gland tissue in boys or men, caused by an imbalance of the hormone’s estrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly.

Pseudogynecomastia refers to an increase in fat but not glandular tissue in male breasts.

Newborns, boys going through puberty and older men may develop gynecomastia as a result of normal changes in hormone levels, though other causes also exist. Generally, gynecomastia isn’t a serious problem, but it can be tough to cope with the condition. Men and boys with gynecomastia sometimes have pain in their breasts and may feel embarrassed.

Gynecomastia may go away on its own. If it persists, medication or surgery may help.

Why do people get gynecomastia surgery?

A type of breast surgery, this procedure treats a condition called gynecomastia (enlarged male breast tissue). Gynecomastia can result from obesity and certain drugs or hormone changes that usually happen during adolescent development. But it can also affect older people as hormone levels shift. In severe cases, the excess breast tissue causes your breasts to sag and your areola (the dark skin that surrounds your nipple) to stretch.

This is an elective cosmetic surgery procedure. People choose this procedure to improve how they look and increase their self-esteem. Decreasing the size of their breast tissue can help them feel more comfortable in clothing. Some people choose the procedure to reduce pain and discomfort that can result from excess breast tissue.

How common is gynecomastia surgery (male breast reduction surgery)?

About 20,000 people get this surgery every year. Gynecomastia (the condition this surgery treats) is very common. It affects more than half of people assigned male at birth around the world.

Gynecomastia surgery candidates include:

  • Men whose condition cannot be corrected through alternative medical treatments
  • Healthy individuals who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing
  • Nonsmokers and non-drug users
  • Men with a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for improving the physical symptoms of gynecomastia
  • Men who are physically healthy and of relatively normal weight
  • Men who have realistic expectations
  • Men whose breast development has stabilized
  • Men who are bothered by the feeling that their breasts are too large

Adolescents may benefit from surgery, although secondary procedures may be needed in the future should breast development continue.

Have any Questions?

Reach out to know more details about the treatment.

Substances that can cause gynecomastia include:

  • Alcohol
  • Anabolic steroids used to build muscle and enhance athletic performance
  • Amphetamines
  • Marijuana
  • Heroin
  • Methadone (Methadose)